Sunday, April 15, 2007

Boo to political attack ads...

One of my pet peeves are political attack ads. The reason I bring up this topic is that political attack ads are reported to pollute our televisions commencing Monday in anticipation for an upcoming provincial election. The story is here:

You know, here one party is criticizing the other for paying $275,000 to a former employee who was fired following allegations of harassment (which I agree they need to be criticized about). But then, this criticizing party turns around and is going to spend probably $275,000 or more on immature attack ads. Think of where that $275,000 or more could be going. There are many people who will not have a roof over their heads tonight, but apparently it is more important to pay off misbehaving employees and pump out political attack ads.

Call me tight, but I just hate seeing money being flushed down the toilet when there is so much human suffering in the world--and indeed in this very province--that could potentially be alleviated with this money.

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